
From Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Wiki

Exploiting some of the most terrifying capabilities of nano-technology, the Scourge’s Chem-Hive implant secretes a steady supply of nanites specially designed to manipulate, reconstruct and corrode organic material. The Scourge’s talents allow them to poison enemies and create hazards, trick security that relies on biometrics, or toughen themselves and squadmates up to tank more damage.

Although the Scourge themselves can gain immunity to their nanites, squadmates aren’t so lucky. Choose wisely when to use talents that may be hazardous to your allies as well as enemies.

Talent List[edit | edit source]

Icon Name Charges Recharge Turns Action Point Cost Description
Dissolve 1 6 2 Dissolves a dead body within 3m. Body Timer is canceled and this body will not be discovered.
Disorient 1 4 1 Debuff an enemy within 15m with +15% Crit Vulnerability, -5m Sight Range and Disoriented for next 2 Turns; If target is not Alerted they become Suspicious and hunt around their current position for this duration. Cancels enemy Overwatch.
Bio-Coat Bullet 1 5 0 If this attack hits, debuff your target with -50 HP / Turn and -15% ALL Accuracy until end of next Turn.
Bio-Mimic 1 5 1 Engage Bio-Mimic to disguise yourself and avoid triggering Cameras, Radar Arrays, Prox-Mines, Bio-Scan Fields and Laser Wires until end of next Turn, canceled by any attack.
Brain Worm 1 5 1 Debuff an enemy within 15m with hallucinations and a numbing haze, who becomes Alerted and attacks other nearby enemies but will not attack your teammates until end of next Turn. Cancels enemy Overwatch.
Detonation 1 5 1 Nano-particles infest a corpse within 12m, creating a proximity trap. If any enemy enters its 3m radius then anyone within the area are damaged with 50 Pure and 100 Kinetic Dmg.
Tox-Cloud 1 4 1 Spews a Tox-Cloud that is 8m across within 2m that will slowly move in the direction it is initially released but will not pass through walls. Any enemy or teammate passing into the cloud is poisoned with -50 HP / Turn and -2 Initiative for up to 3 Turns. Does not affect Drones.
Morass 1 5 1 Spews a Morass that is 12mx6m within 2m; any enemy or teammate passing into effected area is debuffed with -10% Kinetic Armor, -10% Ballistic Armor, -15% Evasion and -25% Move Speed for up to 3 Turns. Cancels enemy Overwatch.
Venom Trap 1 5 1 Throw a Venom Trap within 15m, the first enemy to enter its 3m radius is poisoned with -50 HP / Turn and -25% Move Speed until end of next Turn.
Purge 2 4 0 When debuffed with any Damage over Turns effect (such as poison), immediately Heal 10 HP and purge the debuff including all of its effects and gain +10% Kinetic Armor and +10% Ballistic Armor until end of next Turn.
Nervo-Tox Shell 1 4 0 Shotgun shell delivers aerosolized neuro-agent; regardless if Shotgun attack hits or misses primary target, all enemies within 6m are debuffed with Stunned (skips Turn) until end of next Turn.
Aero-Shrap Shell 1 5 2 Shotgun shell delivers aerosolized shrapnel; if this Shotgun attack hits then 3 shrapnel zones are created nearby, each 3m across and lasting for next 3 Turns. Any enemy or teammate entering a zone suffers 140 Ballistic Dmg as shrapnel collapses inward and ends their action.
Reknit 1 4 1 Immediately Heal 100 HP for yourself or a teammate within 6m. This imperfect healing has a 50% chance to increase Injury (+2 days) or add Stress (+1).
Callus 1 5 0 Buff yourself or a teammate within 6m with Shred-Immune Armor, +25% Kinetic Armor, +25% Ballistic Armor and -25% Move Speed until end of next Turn.

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