Agent EX

From Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Wiki

High-tech killers with phenomenal mobility and tech-warping cybercontrol. The Agent EX’s Nano-Hive implant is at the forefront of dangerously experimental cybernetics, infusing and linking the Agent’s body to a nanite swarm.

This allows the Agent to 'glitch' short distances at undetectable speeds, gives them a variety of infiltration talents, and makes them a nightmare for enemy drones. Their fighting style is uniquely suited to unleashing a hail of bullets, with dual-wielding SMG abilities and bonuses to Full Auto damage available in their talent tree.

Talent List[edit | edit source]

Icon Name Charges Recharge Turns Action Point Cost Description
File:Talent agent crawler.png Line Crawler 1 5 1 Disable a Level 1 Security Device within 12m for next 2 Turns. At the start of the next 2 Turns, there is a 40% chance of disabling the next nearest Security Device (of any Level).
File:Talent agent smokescreen.png Smokescreen 1 5 2 Release a crackling cloud of nano-smoke within 5m, creating a dense cloud 5m across which blocks all sight and attacks except melee until end of next Turn. Agent EX is able to see out of the cloud when standing inside it or shoot at a target standing inside it if no other factors block line of sight.
File:Talent agent shuriken.png Shuriken Wave 1 5 1 A whirling, searing cloud of nanites strike all enemies within 10m of your current position, causing 50 Pure Dmg and debuffing with -10% Evasion and -10% Move Speed for remainder of the Turn. Cancels enemy Overwatch.
File:Talent agent dualreload.png Dual Reload 1 5 2 Fully reload both of your carried Dual SMGs.
File:Talent agent armorEX.png Armor EX 1 5 1 Immediately Patch 1 Armor for a teammate within 3m.
File:Talent agent glitch.png Glitch 1 5 2 Glitch-move in a straight line up to 5m without triggering Overwatch, Security Devices, being seen or heard while moving and without generating any Recoil. Cannot Glitch through walls, and if Glitching for the second time in a Turn, may generate Injury Time or Stress.
File:Talent agent ncoat bullet.png N-Coat Bullet 1 4 0 Delivered by bullet, nanites burrow into and infect drone systems. If this attack hits the enemy drone, debuff your target with -100 HP / Turn and -25% All Ranged Accuracy until end of next Turn.
File:Talent agent adrenaline.png Adrenaline Flow 1 5 0 When taking damage from an attack, instantly reduce Damage by 50% and +1 Move Points.
File:Talent agent extraautomatic.png Extra Automatic 1 4 0 If your attack deals damage while on an Aimlock Streak, instantly gain +1 Move Points.
File:Talent agent whitenoise.png White-Noise 1 4 1 A hissing, popping White-Noise zone that is 8m across is created within 2m. The zone will slowly move in the direction it is initially released but will not pass through walls. Any enemy within the field is debuffed with Inability to hear the sounds of any movements (but can hear gunfire) for up to 2 Turns.
File:Talent agent aimlock.png Aimlock 1 4 0 If this Dual SMG attack hits, start an Aimlock Streak so that next attacks gain +25% Ballistic Pure Dmg Upgrade, +25% Armor Shred and maintain this Aimlock Streak for your next 2 attacks. If unused, Aimlock Streak expires after next 2 Turns.
File:Talent agent supremacy.png Supremacy 1 5 0 When the Security Level rises, gain +10% Evasion, +1 Move Points and +10% Move Speed for remainder of the Turn.
File:Talent agent shadow.png Shadow 1 5 2 Release a swirling shadow form that moves in a straight line from your position toward a destination within 20m. Any enemy who sees the Shadow will immediately become Suspicious, rotate toward its destination and move to investigate it on their next action.
File:Talent agent lifehack.png Life Hack 1 5 2 Bonded nanites replicate physical conditions; swap the percentage filled of your HP bar with an enemy within 10m. Cancels enemy Overwatch. This imperfect healing has a 25% chance to increase Injury (+2 days) or add Stress (+1).
File:Talent agent leech.png Leech 1 5 0 Designate an area (10m radius) within 15m, and while any drone is inside the area they are debuffed with -50% Move Speed and suffers 25 Pure Dmg per Turn, which is recouped by the Agent EX. Area lasts for up to 2 Turns.
File:Talent agent signalgraft.png Signal Grift 1 4 1 Cancel the Body Timer and steal the bio-signal from a dead enemy within 5m. Grifted signal allows you to avoid triggering all Security Devices except visual systems (Cameras and Radar Arrays) for next 2 Turns. No one will come looking for this lost agent but the body may still be discovered.

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