
From Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Wiki

When a player can position their sniper effectively, these squad members build up powerful hit-streak bonuses for as long as they remain in the same position. Higher level talents will allow a skilled sniper to move and still maintain this key advantage.

Specialists with sniper rifles and carefully-aimed single-shot weapons, Snipers can deal extreme damage at long range and make the most of good positioning and the element of surprise, potentially even getting combo kills with rapid reloads and bonus AP from some talents.

A Sniper’s main limitations are those of their weapons, particularly that sniper rifles are useless against enemies who get too close. Carry a reliable secondary weapon to compensate.

Talent List[edit | edit source]

Icon Name Charges Recharge Turns Action Point Cost Description
Deathwatch 2 5 0 Until your next Turn, using a Single Shot weapon gain +10% All Ranged Accuracy while taking up to # reaction shots (1 + shots by AP) at enemies moving or attacking in your weapon's Overwatch Arc.
Pathfinder 1 5 1 Engage Pathfinder to make no sound while moving and gain +10% Move Speed for remainder of the Turn, canceled by any attack.
Empty Lung 1 4 2 Engage Empty Lung to use up to 2 AP to move (Sprinting speed) without generating Recoil or canceling buffs usually canceled by movement (such as Hit Streak).
JTAC 1 5 0 Designate an area (10m radius) within 35m, and while teammates are inside the area they gain +10% ALL Accuracy and +10% Crit Chance. Area lasts for 2 Turns.
Perimeter-Eye 1 5 0 Scope a visible enemy within 35m, and predict exact movements of any enemies within 10m until end of next Turn. Cannot predict targets in active combat.
Weak Spot 1 5 0 This Single Shot attack gains extra +20% Ballistic Pure Dmg Upgrade.
Rapid Ready 1 6 0 If this attack kills your target, immediately reload your Single Shot weapon and buff yourself with +10% Ballistic Pure Dmg Upgrade for remainder of the Turn.
Skullshot 1 6 0 If this Single Shot attack kills your target, buff yourself with +3 Action Points for remainder of the Turn.
Zeroed Sights 1 5 0 This Single Shot attack gains extra +10% Optimal Range and Ignore up to 3 Recoil.
Fleeting 1 4 0 When killing an Unaware or Suspicious target, immediately lower your Alarm Level to Hunted (enemies must re-acquire you) and gain +10% Accuracy against Unaware or Suspicious targets for remainder of the Turn.
Quiet Kill 1 4 0 When killing an Unaware or Suspicious target, gain +10% All Ranged Accuracy and +15% Crit Chance until end of next Turn.
Nest 1 5 0 Buff yourself with +25% Stealth Crit Chance and +25% Ballistic Pure Dmg Upgrade until end of next Turn. Canceled by any movement.
Hit Streak 2 5 0 If your attack deals damage, start a Hit Streak or extend your Streak's duration. While on your Hit Streak, gain +3% Crit Chance per Hit in the Streak. Expires at end of next Turn or is canceled by movement or missed attack.
Strike Zone 1 5 0 Designate an area (10m radius) within 35m, and while enemies are inside the area they are debuffed with +10% Crit Vulnerability, -10% Kinetic Armor, -10% Ballistic Armor and -10% Evasion. Area lasts for 2 Turns. Cancels enemy Overwatch when first activated.

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