Definitions[edit | edit source]
Characters[edit | edit source]
Characters is a collective term that includes both mercs and enemies. All characters can move, see and hear things, attack, use Talents, and take other actions.
Turns[edit | edit source]
Activity on a mission is broken into turns. Every character gets a chance to take actions within a turn. A character's opportunity to take actions is sometimes called their turn. The order in which characters take their turn is displayed in the Turn Timeline. The HUD uses a Turn Icon to mark the duration of buff and debuffs, talent recharge times, and other durations.
Action Points[edit | edit source]
Many actions require the expenditure of Action Points. Each character is allotted a certain number of Action Points at the beginning of a turn. The default number of Action Points allotted is 6, but some may get more or less due to Character Traits. Some Talents can add Action Points to one or more characters. Action Points can be added in increments of 0.1, but fractional Action Points are unusable until they add up to an integer. At the end of the turn, unused Action Points are lost, and the character is allotted a new set of Action Points. Action Point expenditures are usually marked by an Action Point Icon.
Move Speed[edit | edit source]
A character's rate of movement per expended Action Point is called their Move Speed. The default Move Speed is about 4m per Action Point in sprinting mode. This may be modified by Character Traits or by Talents.
Movement Points[edit | edit source]
Movement Points are a specialized type of Action Point which can only be used for movement. A character may gain Movement Points from Character Traits or Talents. Movement Points can be added in increments of 0.1, but fractional Movement Points are unusable until they add up to an integer. When moving, any available Movement Points are used before Action Points.
Action Points Bar[edit | edit source]
The Action Points available to a character are often portrayed on the HUD as an action points bar. An action points bar is also used to illustrate how many Action Points would be expended if the action being prepared is confirmed. Gray rectangles represent default Action Points which have been used. Yellow rectangles represent Action Points available. Action Points which would be used by confirming the prepared action are portrayed in flashing yellow. If any Movement Points are available, they are portrayed in cyan. An action points bar is often marked by an Action Point Icon. The action points bar does not display fractional Action Points or Movement Points. An action points bar displaying a potential Action Point expenditure is marked by an Action Point Icon.
Overview[edit | edit source]
While on a mission, the screen displays a wealth of information about the map, available actions, and current situation. This display is called the HUD, or Heads-Up Display. It includes a great deal of operational awareness available to the mission team generated by intelligence-gathering units in the team's gear and the computers in the Safehouse.
The Controls[edit | edit source]
Hovering the mouse over most of the important objects in the HUD and on the map will open a tooltip with information. The HUD camera view can be panned around the map with the ASWD keys, rotated with Q and E, and zoomed with the mouse-wheel. The H key will toggle a highlight mode, outlining key features on the map such as teammates, enemies, lockboxes, and security devices. Arrow keys, TAB and L-SHIFT will cycle through choices, such as a selection list or potential targets. ESC will cancel any prepared action; if there is no prepared action, ESC will open a menu with a list of keyboard commands plus buttons to exit the game or restart part of the game. The menu also has a button for the Tutorial Library, which contains Help information and videos on gameplay.
The Overlay[edit | edit source]
The HUD overlays situational information over the map, mostly at the corners. In the upper left corner is the Turn Timeline. This displays the current turn order, with the currently acting character enlarged. It includes both mercs and known enemies. The numbers indicate the Initiative of each character. If any characters have finished their actions in this turn, the timeline will show their Initiative and developing turn order in the next turn.
Below the timeline are a series of buttons for actions for Leverage, inventory, and changing the turn order. Leverage is a set of options for buffing the heist team or debuffing the enemy security made available by bribes or favors during pre-mission planning. Yield is an option to allow the next character to go before the current character. Delay lets the character move to the end of the turn order, moving after the enemy. End Action for Turn ends the character's turn and moves them into the next turn on the Turn Timeline.
Below the buttons is a list of Primary and Secondary Objectives for the mission. Primary Objectives must be achieved for mission victory. Completed Objectives are marked with a check.
In the upper right corner of the HUD is a display of the Security Level, the degree to which the Security AI is aware of and acting against intrusion.
Below the Security Level display is a running log of actions by both the heist team and local security. The log is not visible until the first actions are taken in a mission.
In the lower left corner of the HUD are the weapons carried by the current character. The selected weapon can be switched by left-clicking the mouse on the weapon. Under each button are bars indicating how much ammunition the weapon currently has.
To the right of the weapons is a series of Action Buttons. The first button prepares an attack with the current weapon. The second button either reloads the weapon if it is a firearm or prepares a charged attack if it is a melee weapon. The third button prepares a Take Cover action, tucking the character tightly into cover to get a defensive bonus. The remaining buttons prepare the action of a special Talent trained by the character or an item taken from character loadout. Clicking an Action Button does not activate the action, it merely gets the action ready. The SPACE button will confirm and activate the prepared action.
At the end of each turn, the left side of the HUD displays intercepted communications about actions the Security AI is taking.
The Map[edit | edit source]
The HUD tags characters with a small display over their heads. For members of the heist team, this includes the character name, a health bar, number of Action Points available, and their Detected Status. For enemies, this includes the character name, a health bar, and their Alert Status. Hovering over a character opens a tooltip with more detailed information.
The detection zones of active security devices are displayed in red. Hovering over the device opens a tooltip with more detailed information. The detection zones of inactive security devices are not displayed except for pressure plates, which display in grey. Security devices can be avoided, disabled, or permitted to send a security report when triggered.
Mission Objectives which are physical locations are marked on the HUD by flashing squares in cyan or yellow, or devices highlighted in cyan. These Objectives are locations that must be reached to meet the Primary or Secondary Objectives of the mission.
Some other points of interest will appear on most maps. This includes lootable lockboxes, doors between areas on the map, terminals, etc. which are not mission objectives (or not objectives at this time). These points of interest can be found by moving the mouse over them to open a tooltip, or by toggling the H key to highlight characters and points of interest. Inactive security devices can also be found by hovering the mouse, but they are not highlighted by the H key.
The Actions[edit | edit source]
Movement by the current character is prepared by clicking the left mouse button and dragging the mouse. A line is drawn on the HUD depicting the calculated path toward the selected location. A solid line indicates sprinting speed. A dotted line indicates sneaking movement, which is slower but quieter than sprinting. The C button toggles the character between Standing/Sprinting and Crouching/Sneaking. The large dots along the path indicate how far the character can move with one Action Point, and the tooltip at the target point indicates how many Action Points would be used to get there. The Space character will activate the prepared movement. The ESC button or clicking on any Action Button at the bottom of the HUD will cancel the prepared motion.
Combat can be prepared by clicking the Attack button or the Charged Attack button at the bottom of the HUD, or by left-clicking the enemy. The target will be marked with a red Targeting Reticule with information on the chance of hitting, the number of Action Points the attack would take, and the average damage the target would receive. The SPACE button activates the attack; TAB and L-Shift change the target of the attack; ESC cancels the action.
At the bottom of the HUD is a set of Action Buttons. Hovering over an Action Button will add a red circle to the HUD depicting the maximum range of that action. If a prepared movement is displayed on the HUD, the range circle will be centered on the endpoint of the prepared movement, otherwise it is centered on the character's current location. This is useful for planning a movement followed by a ranged attack or talent. Hovering over an Action Button also opens a tooltip with a description of the action. Left clicking will prepare an action, a SPACE will confirm and activate the action.
Details[edit | edit source]
This repeats much of the information from the previous section but provides more details about features on the HUD.
Controls[edit | edit source]
Turn Timeline[edit | edit source]
The Turn Timeline displays the current turn order. The order is determined by Initiative, which is randomly rolled for each character. As each character finishes their turn, a new Initiative is randomly generated and the character is placed in the Turn Timeline for the next turn. The Turn Timeline will display both the remaining characters in the current turn and the developing turn order for the next turn.
The Turn Timeline includes both player characters and known enemies. Unknown enemies which have not yet been detected by the heist team are not included in the timeline and cannot take any actions. The Security AI can also summon new enemy reinforcements. As enemies are detected by the team, they are added to the timeline. Each character is portrayed in the Turn Timeline with a picture and their name. The Initiative of the character is displayed in the lower left corner of the picture. To the left of the character name is an Icon denoting the Character Class of the character. A health bar is displayed below the name, along with their Action Points and Movement Points.
Clicking on a character in the Turn Timeline will shift the HUD camera view to focus on that character. The camera view can be returned to the currently active character with the V key.
The turn order can be changed by character Talents which buff or debuff Initiative. The most powerful talents can affect an entire team. Talents that affect Initiative will not change which turn the character is currently assigned to; Talents cannot allow a character whose current turn is over to act in the current turn. Buffing a character to a higher Initiative than the currently active character will not force the buffed character to become the currently active character. The currently active character will not lose their top position in the timeline unless they deliberately give up their place. This could be done with the extra action buttons below the Turn Timeline.
Extra Actions[edit | edit source]
The buttons under the Turn Timeline provide some additional action options.
- Leverage
- The Leverage button opens a list of options to buff the team or debuff the level defenses. Leverage must be prepared in advance during Mission Planning using favors or bribes with Contacts, sometimes requiring Legwork. Only Leverage which has already been bought will be listed, and each can be used only once. Use arrow buttons or TAB and L-SHIFT to cycle through options and SPACE to activate, or use left click to select and activate. Leverage is specific to each mission, using Contacts with influence at the mission site. Leverage which is not used during the mission is not available or relevant to any other mission.
- Yield Action
- The Yield button will allow the next teammate in the Turn Timeline to take their turn. This can only be used if the succeeding teammate is next in the Turn Timeline. The yielding character will move after the character yielded to. The Initiative of the yielding character is reduced to move after the succeeding character.
- Delay Action
- The Delay Action Button allows the current character to use their remaining Action Points later in the Turn Timeline, usually at the end of the turn order. Delay Action reduces their current Initiative by 10 and reshuffles them into the Turn Timeline. If the current character has 10 or fewer Initiative or has no remaining Action Points, Delay Action will end their turn; it acts like the End Action for Turn button.
- End Action for Turn
- This button does just what it says--it ends action for the current character until the next turn. The character rolls a new Initiative and is added to the Turn Timeline in the developing turn order for the next turn. Ending a turn with remaining Action Points will automatically trigger a Take Cover action, giving the character a buff to defense. Any further remaining Action Points for the current turn are lost.
Primary and Secondary Objectives[edit | edit source]
Primary and Secondary Objectives are listed below the extra action buttons on the left side of the HUD. Primary Objectives must be achieved in order to gain Mission Victory. Secondary Objectives will grant items for use or sale after the mission, bonuses from the client, new routes through the map, or new alternative Objectives to current Primary Objectives.
Security Level[edit | edit source]
In the upper right corner of the HUD is a graphic display of the Security Level. This measures the growing concern of the Security AI about potential or identified intruders. Security Level generally starts at 0 at the beginning of the mission. Security Level is subdivided by a Security Tally, measuring individual detections and suspicious activity. When the tally reaches a certain number, the Security Level is escalated and the excess tally is added to the new level. Escalation occurs at the end of the turn and is usually accompanied by elevated security protocols by the Security AI.
A certain amount of Security Tally is automatically added at the beginning of each turn, in addition to the tally created by suspicious activity. The amount of tally necessary to escalate the Security Level and the amount of tally automatically generated will vary from mission to mission. New tally generated during a turn is considered pending; pending Security Tally may be removed by the heist team in several ways. At the end of each turn, any pending Security Tally is changed to permanent Security Tally.
The current Security Tally is displayed in the HUD as a sequence of rectangular bars. Pending Security Tally is yellow, permanent Security Tally is cyan. The current Security Level is shown to the left of the Security Tally.
The current security tally (counting both pending and permanent) is numerically labeled above the graphical display, along with the number of tally necessary to escalate the Security Level. To the left of the numerical values is a yellow Increasing Icon followed by one or more yellow Tally Icons. This indicates how much Security Tally is automatically added every turn.
Weapons[edit | edit source]
In the lower left corner of the HUD are the weapons carried by the current character. The currently selected weapon is highlighted in yellow. The selected weapon can be switched by left-clicking the mouse on the weapon.
Bars under each weapon indicate how much ammunition the weapon currently has. Normal ammunition can be reloaded with the Reload Action Button. Note that melee weapons carry "ammunition". This represents an IO Battery used to produce a Charged Attack. Cyberswords can produce other effects with the IO Battery in their melee weapon using Talents. Certain other powerful weapons also use an IO Battery rather than normal ammunition.
To the left of each weapon are two numbers. The upper number with the Attack Icon indicates the number of enemies the character could target from this location with that weapon, accounting for lines-of-sight and weapon range. The lower number with the Sound Icon indicates the number of known enemies who would hear the weapon from this location. If a movement is being prepared, the numbers change to indicate the values from the planned endpoint of the movement. This allows the player to plan movement and combat based on expected targets and stealth. Note that very loud weapons may be heard by enemies that have not yet been detected.
Action Buttons[edit | edit source]
Along the bottom of the HUD is a set of Action Buttons. At the bottom of an Action Button, there may be one or more dots indicating how many charges the action has. Used charges are empty dots. Each use of the action will use one charge.
The first Action Button is an Attack action with the currently selected weapon. This will prepare a Combat attack on a target. An octagonal Targeting Reticule will highlight the nearest enemy that can be targeted with that weapon. The reticule contains important information for Combat.
The second Action Button is a Reload action, or a Charged Attack if the weapon is a melee weapon. Normal ammunition for firearms is assumed to be carried in unlimited quantities--there is no need to manage normal ammunition supplies. Melee weapons and some other powerful weapons can use an IO Battery. During a mission, IO Batteries can only be recharged from an IO-Charger carried in character loadout. All weapons are automatically refilled when the team gets back to the Safehouse.
The third Action Button is a Take Cover action which causes the character to tuck tightly into cover, gaining a buff to defense. The remaining buttons are Talents or items carried from character loadout. Carried items are marked in orange. They can be activated like talents. If any charges of a carried item are used, the item is marked consumed and will disappear from character inventory at the end of the mission even if it still has charges.
Hovering over an Action Button will add a red or cyan circle to the HUD depicting the maximum range of that action. If a prepared movement is displayed on the HUD, the range circle will be centered on the endpoint of the prepared movement, otherwise it is centered on the character's current location. This is useful for planning a movement followed by a ranged attack or talent. Hovering over an Action Button also opens a tooltip with a description of the action.
The tooltip includes the name and description of the action. The upper right corner of the tooltip shows what resources would be used by this action. The most common resource used is Action Points, indicated by the Action Point Icon. For some talents, Cyberswords may need to use an IO Battery charge from their melee weapon, indicated by the IO Battery Icon. The lower right corner of the tooltip shows how many turns it will take to regain one action charge, indicated by the Turn Icon.
Clicking on an Action Button will prepare the action; the action does not happen until it is confirmed. A tooltip opens displaying graphically how many Action Points will be used by the action. If the action requires a target, the nearest available target is automatically selected and marked with cyan corners or red Combat reticule in the HUD. The TAB and L-SHIFT keys will cycle through available targets. Available targets will be limited by range and sometimes by line-of-sight requirements. For some actions, the current character may be a valid target. The SPACE button confirms and activates the action; ESC cancels the action.
Characters[edit | edit source]
Characters are marked on the HUD with augmented data above their heads. For mercs, this includes the name, health bar, and action points of the character. For enemies, it includes the name, health bar, and Alert Status. The currently active character is marked by a cyan octagon around their feet.
Hovering over a character opens a tooltip with more information. mercs and enemies have slightly different tooltips. In the tooltip for one of the mercs, health is indicated by both a numerical value and a health bar, next to a green Health Icon. Another graphical display lies below that showing their Action Points, next to a yellow Action Point Icon. At the bottom of the tooltip are three more values. First is the range to the currently active character, next to a cyan Range Icon. Next is the armor soak, the percentage of damage that armor will absorb, next to a cyan Armor Icon. Last is the character's recoil value, a firearm debuff which rises with movement and firing multiple times, next to an Miss Icon. To the left of all of this a stack of three indicator dots marking the Detected Status of the character. This denotes how much the character has been detected. An exclamation point is marked to the left if the character is actively engaged in combat.
The tooltip on enemies has a health bar but no Action Point bar. At the bottom, the leftmost indicator is the percent chance for the character to hit with the current weapon, next to a cyan Attack Icon. If the enemy cannot be targed by the currently active weapon, this indicator is grayed out. In the middle is the range to the currently active character. On the right is the armor soak. Left of these displays is the enemy's Alert Status. Similar to the Detected Status, it indicates the level of awareness that there are intruders. To the far left, an exclamation point is marked if the enemy is actively engaged in combat.
If a character has a buff or debuff, it is marked on the far upper right of the tooltip. It is indicated by the Icon of the buff or debuff and a number for the number of Turns it will remain active. Buffs are marked in green, debuffs in red.
Movement[edit | edit source]
Movement is prepared by clicking the left mouse button, setting a movement endpoint; holding the left mouse button and dragging allows the endpoint to be adjusted as much as desired. A cyan line indicates the movement path to the endpoint. A solid line denotes sprinting; a dotted line indicates sneaking. The C button toggles between Standing/Sprinting and Crouching/Sneaking. The large dots along the path indicate how far the character can move with one Action Point. An HUD display next to the endpoint indicates how many Action Points would be used by this movement, next to a yellow Action Point Icon. Above the action points are Sprinting and Sneaking Icons. The active movement mode will be yellow, the other will be cyan. Below the Action Points and next to a Miss Icon is the amount of recoil that the character would have after the movement, including the current recoil. The SPACE button will confirm and activate the movement.
While a movement is prepared and marked on the HUD, lines will project from the endpoint to every enemy in line-of-sight. The line will be cyan if the character can shoot at the enemy with the current weapon from the endpoint. The line will be red if the enemy will see the character at that endpoint; it does not indicate whether the either character can shoot at the other. The line will be gray if the character can see the enemy but not shoot them and the enemy will not see them at that endpoint. Whether the character can shoot the enemy is dependent on whether the enemy is in range of the current weapon as well as line-of-sight.
Characters can shoot around corners. This allows them to shoot at exposed opposing characters while the opposition cannot fire at them. When a movement endpoint would allow the character to shoot around a corner, the line to the enemy is offset from the character, passing to the side of the corner that would protect them. Be aware that enemies can hide behind and shoot around corners as easily as mercenaries.
If a prepared movement will enter the Move Detection Radius of an enemy, a yellow Sound Icon will mark the path along with a flag warning, 'You will be heard!' Sprinting can be heard at twice the range of Sneaking. Similarly, a yellow Sight Icon will mark the point at which 'You may be seen!', and a yellow Camera Icon will mark the point at which 'Camera will spot you!'. Motion Detectors, Pressure Plates, and Laser Mesh also have movement alerts. If the movement would expose the character to an enemy Overwatch, a yellow icon will mark the point at which 'You will be shot!'. A yellow Bullet Icon will mark which enemies would hear an attack from the character's current position or planned movement endpoint. Stealth is useful for avoiding detection.
If a movement is prepared and marked on the HUD and the cursor hovers over an Action Button that has a range, a red circle denoting the range is displayed centered on the movement endpoint. In addition, the indicators next to the weapons at the lower left of the HUD will reflect the number of potential targets and number of known potential audio detections based on the movement endpoint rather than the current location of the character. These features assist planning movement followed by the use of a Talent or combat.
Icons[edit | edit source]
HUD[edit | edit source]
Tally Icon
Sound Icon
Attack Icon
Increasing Icon
Decreasing Icon
Action Point Icon
IO Battery Icon
Turn Icon
Health Icon
Range Icon
Armor Icon
Miss Icon
Sprinting Icon
Sneaking Icon
Character Classes[edit | edit source]
Cyber Knight Icon
Vanguard Icon
Soldier Icon
Hacker Icon
Face Icon
Cybersword Icon
Sniper Icon