
From Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Wiki
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Security AI[edit | edit source]

The security of a map level is controlled by a Security AI. This AI is the master computer monitoring and controlling the defenses of the level. The computer receives reports from the guards, drones, and security devices deployed around the level. The AI evaluates reports and sends instructions to guards and drones. As the Security Level increases, the computer will choose escalating responses to potential or confirmed intrusions such as sending guards to investigate, activating additional security devices, authorizing lethal defenses on security devices, and summoning more guards and drones.

Security Level[edit | edit source]

The Security Level is a general measure of the concern and awareness the security AI has about intrusion. Security Level usually starts at zero (0) when the mercs enters the mission. Security Level is subdivided by a security tally, measuring specific detections and growing concern.

The special implant of the Cyber Knight is a quantum computer. This produces quantum interference, an annoying non-localized buzz that the Security AI wants to shut down. This automatically produces a base rate of increase in Security Tally every turn. Your team's coordination, and the relative lack of coordination of your foes relies upon this quantum computer being nearby any heists. Thus, even if you don't bring your Cyber Knight on a heist, it is assumed he or she is waiting not far from the scene, providing the quantum countermeasures, but also enabling the security tally increases. (For the purposes of game mechanics, the security tally is not influenced by whether you bring the knight on a mission or leave him or her behind.)

Security Tally generated during a turn is accumulated into a pending tally count, marked in yellow. At the end of the turn, pending Security Tally is turned into permanent Security Tally, marked in blue. At that time, if the security tally is greater than the tally per security level, the security level is increased. Pending security tally can be erased by various means; permanent security tally and security level cannot be reduced during a mission.

When the permanent Security Tally exceeds the tally points per level, the Security Level increases by 1 and the Security AI escalates its response. Excess tally points roll over to the new level. The base rate of increase in Security Tally and the number of security tally points per security level is calculated separately for each mission stage, depending on the sensitivity of the area and the nature of the Security AI.

On multi-stage Missions, the Security Level from one stage is inherited by the next map level. Security tally is reduced to at a maximum half of the Tally required to reach the next Security Level. It is important to keep Security Level low in earlier map levels or the team will face bad odds before they get close to their goal. Every incident of detection increases the pending security tally. This includes gunfire. A battle will rapidly ramp up the Security level, incurring stronger responses from the Security AI. The final security level at the end of the mission is also a factor in the amount of heat the mission generates for the squad.

Enemies[edit | edit source]

Guards and drones are collectively known as enemies. Enemies rely on sight and sound to detect intruders. They may be posted in a specific location, sometimes turning to scan an area, or they may be assigned to a patrol route. Patrol routes are fixed--an enemy will loop through a route repeatedly. Guards and drones have an Alert Status indicating how aware they are of intrusion. Guards and drones will also attack intruders. They are critical components in the Security AI's active and passive defense systems.

If an enemy detects something, they will engage or investigate. If they hear something, their Alert Status will rise to Suspicious. Pending security tally will increase one or more points. The enemy will send a report to the Security AI at the end of the turn.

The Security AI may send instructions to a guard or drone, for instance to investigate a report or look for a missing guard. This will raise their Alert Status to Alerted. They will leave their assignment to follow the instructions.

Security Devices[edit | edit source]

There are several types of security devices, using a variety of sensory equipment. In general, these devices have a sensor zone and will immediately report any unauthorized detections within that zone to the security AI, without waiting for the end of the turn. Detection will also increase the pending Security Tally.

Device Name Description
Camera Cameras use a sight cone (short & wide or long & thin) to detect intruders. May rotate; detects intruders by sight; blocked by cover.
Laser Wires A "fence" of lasers within halls or entry/exit-ways. Will detect & cause damage to intruders passing through.
Pressure Sensor A floor area that will detect intruders standing or crossing over it.
Motion Field Sensor Detects running (but not sneaking) intruders; blocked by cover.
BioScan Field Verifies biochips signatures of any who enter area. Cannot be disabled by item or Talent. Adds +6 Security Tally if more than 1 intruder is inside area at end of turn.
Prox-Mine A mine that will detonate and deal damage when an intruder moves into its radius.

Alert Status[edit | edit source]

Enemies have an Alert Status which measures how aware they are of intrusion. The levels of Alert Status are:

The enemy is unaware of any intrusion. They stand at their assigned post or move on their assigned patrol.
The enemy is alerted to something but is not sure what. It might be something seen out of the corner of their eye or at the edge of their vision. It might be a small sound they couldn't identify. The enemy will investigate the area. If they do not find anything, they will return to their post or patrol, but they will remain Suspicious.
The enemy has been alerted to the presence of an intruder but may not be sure where they are. This could be due to information and instructions from the security AI, discovering a body, seeing an enemy or other clear evidence. If the enemy does not know where the intruders are, the enemy will investigate and follow any instructions from the Security AI, trying to locate the intruders and engage them. If they do know where the enemy are, they will engage in combat. Alerted enemies will not return to their post until the known intruders have been dealt with.

Detected Status[edit | edit source]

Mercs have a Detected Status which measures to what degree the enemy is aware of them. The levels of Detected Status are:

The character has never been seen or detected by a security device or enemy on this map level.
An enemy or security device has detected the character, but no enemies know where the character is. Security forces looking for the potential intruder. Once a character has been detected they cannot return to a status of Hidden. They will remain at Hunted or higher even if the enemy who detected them has been killed.
The character has been located by an enemy. If there are no remaining enemies who know where the mercenary is, the mercenary will change to Hunted status after one turn.