
From Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Wiki

There are two priority levels of objectives, primary and secondary.

Primary Objectives must be achieved in order to gain Mission Victory. Secondary Objectives will grant items for use or sale after the mission, bonuses from a client, new routes through the map, or will present new alternative Primary Objectives for mission completion.

Objectives may be marked with a check when achieved or with an X when blocked. Objectives are usually achieved by reaching target locations on the map. Objective targets are marked on the HUD by flashing squares in cyan or yellow, or devices highlighted in cyan. Not all Objectives will mark their targets.

Mission Objectives preconditioned on other Objectives which have not been achieved will be locked until preconditions are met. This includes exfiltration, which requires the Primary Objectives to be achieved. Achieving (or failing) one Objective may lead to another Objective and associated target appearing in the HUD.

Some Objectives have more than one alternative; only some of the alternative objectives must be completed. An Objective may be blocked by security action, by decisions made during dialogs, or by achieving an alternative Objective. A blocked Objective may result in a new alternative Objective taking its place. Even exfiltration may become blocked, leading to the team seeking an alternate exit route. No plan survives contact with the enemy.

On some map levels there may be zones representing objectives for the enemy. These zones look somewhat like mission target zones, but they are a different color. Do not be fooled by them. It may be necessary to stop an enemy from reaching their objective.

Types of Objective Targets[edit | edit source]

Enemy target[edit | edit source]

The target may be an enemy that must be met and usually killed. These targets are often not highlighted in the HUD. The team must locate the target themselves.

Item from Lockbox[edit | edit source]

The target may be an item from a lootable Lockbox. This is often a key to open a door to another map area or exit. The Lockbox containing the key is not highlighted in the HUD. The team must search Lockboxes until they find it.

Matrix Hosts[edit | edit source]

Matrix Hosts are terminals linking to the local Matrix. They can only be used by a Hacker. They are generally marked in the HUD as a computer terminal highlighted in cyan. The character must approach near the device; the device can then be clicked to activate interaction. Activating a Matrix terminal initiates a multi-turn interaction with the local Matrix.

Unsecured systems[edit | edit source]

These systems are devices which provide information or items, activate another system, open a door, etc., to achieve an Objective. They are generally marked in the HUD as a device highlighted in cyan. Some of these systems are described as terminals, but they are not secured against use. Any mercenary can activate the system and they do not provide access to the local Matrix. Sometimes a key or other device may be required before using the system; that would be a precondition of this Objective. The character using the key does not need to be the one who found the key. One character could find the key and another character across the map could immediately use the key. The character must approach near the device. The device can then be clicked to activate interaction. Interaction with an unsecured system takes no Action Points and can be done with zero Action Points remaining.

Mission target zones[edit | edit source]

Mission target zones are locations that a mercenary must reach to retrieve some item or information necessary for Mission Victory conditions. They are generally marked in the HUD as a flashing cyan square zone. In some cases, there are multiple mission target zones and the team only needs to reach some of them to achieve the Primary Objective. Reaching more than the minimum may or may not achieve greater benefits at Mission Victory. The Objective is usually achieved as soon as the character enters the zone -- movement is halted at that point.

Hold objective zones[edit | edit source]

The goal of a hold objective zone is to reach and hold the objective for a specified number of turns. They are generally marked in the HUD as a flashing cyan or yellow square zone. At least one mercenary must be present in the zone at the end of each turn to count as holding the objective. The objective is highlighted in yellow if no member of the team is present. The color of the zone changes to cyan when a team member enters the zone. The Objective is marked as achieved at the beginning of the turn after the holding requirement is met. If at the end of a turn no member of the team is alive in the zone, the count resets to zero and the color changes back to yellow.

Extraction zones[edit | edit source]

The extraction zone represents the location where the mercenary team will try to exit the map level. There may be multiple possible extraction zones available. Generally, extraction zones will not display and become available until all other Primary Objectives have been achieved. This is often preceded by a dialog with the squad Face. On Raid missions, there are no specific Objectives except to collect loot; the extraction zones are available from the beginning, allowing you to exit if you think the zone is too hot to try to loot.

Mercs can exit at an extraction zone individually or wait for the rest of the team to join them. When a merc enters an extraction zone, a button in the bar next to Yield enables. This button is the Extraction button. Clicking the button will extract that merc from the map.

  • It is a one-way exit from the level. When the merc clicks the button, they immediately disappear.
  • Once extracted you don't have to skip that merc's turn anymore, no one can shoot the merc, and they can't be spotted by enemies. The merc is completely gone from the level.
  • Once a merc leaves, they cannot come back. If another merc who hasn't extracted is in trouble, this merc has already left and can't come back to help.
  • However, you don't have to click it. The merc can hang around the extraction point if you wish until the team is closer or until it is the right moment to leave.
  • If all living mercs are extracted, you achieve Mission Victory.
  • If at any time, all living mercs who have not yet extracted are in the extraction zone, you achieve Mission Victory.
  • Mercs do not need to extract at the same extraction zone; this allows your mercs to scatter to reach objectives and each find their best exit from the heist.