
From Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Wiki

Consumable Items can give dramatic combat advantages. Each mercenary can carry two items initially and, with training, can carry up to two more items per heist. Each item can be used a finite number of times per mission for a set AP cost that varies with the specific item.

Getting Items[edit | edit source]

Items can be purchased from your contacts or can be found in lockers during missions. Items found during missions cannot be used immediately as they need to be unpacked at your Safehouse first. You start the game with a number of items in your inventory, mostly Medpacks and HE Grenades. When you bring a new mercenary onto your team they will bring a couple of items with them, already equipped. For most character classes this will be an HE Grenade and a Medkit. For Vanguards this will be a Medkit and a Shock Mine.

Item Economics[edit | edit source]

Items can be purchased from Contacts at a significant price but can be resold for a very small amount. (This may be a bug, TODO.) Thus, it is better to loot items from heists rather than spending your hard earned cash on items unless you need a very specific item.

Item Types[edit | edit source]

Grenades[edit | edit source]

Also categorized as "Demolitions", Grenades are an area of effect, or AOE, weapon, designed to cause damage to everyone within a given radius of the impact. Damage is greatest at the point of grenade impact and decreases toward the edge of the AOE.

Grenades can be bounced off of walls and objects. A grenade may bounce off of several objects in succession. Bouncing can allow a grenade to land beyond its normal range, over an intervening object, or around corners. The grenade explodes when it hits the ground.

When preparing to throw a grenade, the HUD displays the trajectory of the grenade, including any bounces it will take. PageUp and PageDown will adjust the vertical angle of the throw. Clicking the Left Mouse button will confirm the throw.

HE Grenades[edit | edit source]

High Energy Grenades, or HE Grenades, do Pure Damage. They are particularly useful for armored enemies as the Pure Damage ignores armor soak.

Frag Grenades[edit | edit source]

Fragmentation Grenades, or Frag Grenades, do Kinetic Damage. The damage radius is larger than HE Grenades so they are better for lightly armored enemies in a larger area. Additionally, Frag Grenades have a higher base damage, allowing them to frequently deal superior damage to lightly armored enemies, even if they're clustered tightly enough for an HE grenade to hit.

Concussion Grenades[edit | edit source]

These grenades deal no damage but apply an AoE stun instead.

Smoke Grenades[edit | edit source]

These grenades deal no damage but block all vision within an AoE and prevent any ranged attack being performed within or through the impact area. Melee attacks are not impacted. The cloud lingers multiple turns.

Medical[edit | edit source]

First Aid Kits[edit | edit source]

Medical items include First Aid Kits, which, like all combat healing stop Bleeding Out, but also provide a large one-time restoration of HP. Nicer First Aid Kits can be used more than once per mission. Can be used on nearby allies.

Bio-Sutures[edit | edit source]

Another medical item is the bio-stitch bandage. These provide extremely modest healing (stop bleeding out) but can be used many times during a mission and only cost 1 AP to apply, rather than the 2 AP First Aid Kits require. Can be used on nearby allies.

U-Sutures[edit | edit source]

U-Sutures provide a small amount of healing over time and the end of each turn, rather than immediately. Thus, they could in theory restore someone from bleeding out many times if their Death Saves were very lucky despite repeated injuries. U-Sutures in the game currently each can be used twice per mission and only require 1 AP to apply. Can only be used on the mercenary carrying them.

Patch X-Kit[edit | edit source]

These offer the interesting combination of restoring a shredded protection point to armor while also cancelling bleeding out, despite restoring no Hit Points. Presumably the strategy is to apply this to someone whose armor is shredded (especially all the way to zero) but before they sustain significant damage. Then, as a backup, they can be used to stop bleeding out if things are dire. Patch X-Kits can be used on others nearby. The kits in game as of this writing (2024-2-14) only have a single use per mission.

Medi-Cloud[edit | edit source]

These are grenade-like objects that instead deal healing to everyone impacted. Partial Cover and distance from center will not reduce the amount of healing received. Only teammates are affected by the healing.

Hi-Tech[edit | edit source]

Many consumables that don't seem to fit in other categories are placed here.

Bio Recyclers[edit | edit source]

These dissolve dead bodies, preventing them from being discovered and even halt the dead body security timer.

Dazzler[edit | edit source]

These stun an individual enemy from a distance and cancel Overwatch. Helpfully, these can be used without triggering overwatch.

Echo-Jammer[edit | edit source]

These will temporarily disable a security system nearby. They're a weak, limited use alternative to a security focused Cyberknight, Hacker or Vanguard.

IO-Charger[edit | edit source]

These are replacement ammo for E-Rifles, Railguns, and melee Weapons. They helpfully also grant a short term bonus to Pure Damage. For the E-Rifles and probably the Railguns, they're also faster reloads, only taking up 1 AP.

Shock Mine[edit | edit source]

These mines can be laid as traps for foes to run into or thrown as grenades, although they'll only impact a single foe. When a foe (not a friend) runs into or is otherwise impacted by the shock mine's radius, they'll become stunned and lose their current and next turns. The present shock mines in the game have two charges, which gives them an advantage over the Dazzlers. (Unlike the Dazzlers, they'll trigger overwatch if thrown!)

Combat Drugs[edit | edit source]

These are dangerous chemicals injected, inhaled, or otherwise ingested to give a mercenary a temporary edge.

Cram Shot[edit | edit source]

Of Cyberknights Classic fame, the Cram Shot is an upper that will boost your evasion and initiative, while allowing you to produce less recoil.

Hyper-V Caps[edit | edit source]

Also a Cyberknights Class staple, the Hyper-V caps will similarly boost your evasion but provide a lesser bonus to initiative, instead focusing mostly on movement points and movements speed together, letting you traverse much more distance per turn.

Caltraxia[edit | edit source]

This is a powerful drug that boosts a host of defensive stats: Death Save, Stress Resist, Wound Resist, Kinetic Armor, Ballistic Armor, while also giving a small amount of MP and initiative. Useful for a character that you know is going to be taking some hard hits in the next few turns.

Niznitrate Hogobloxin[edit | edit source]

An offensive drug, grants ranged accuracy, critical hit chance, and a tiny bit of initiative.

Others[edit | edit source]

Sploitkits[edit | edit source]

Sploitkits are single use items that will be usable as leverage to gain an advantage on specific missions in the future.