Command HQ

From Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Wiki

Command HQ room

Command HQ[edit | edit source]

The heart of a Cyber Knight's hidden Safehouse, the Command HQ enables the team to plan and execute missions. The HQ provides a secured channel integrated with the Cyber Knight's Quantum Rider to ensure confidential communications with your employers. The Command HQ also provides a command and control system for upgrading the safehouse and contains the nanobots and machinery required to expand your base.

Module Name Level Cost Build Turns Power Needed Cryo Needed Pollution Power Generation Max Max Safehouse Tasks
Command HQ 1 $20K 4 Days 2 0 0 3 2
Command HQ 2 $40K 4 Days 3 0 6 4 3
Command HQ 3 $100K 5 Days 4 0 12 5 3
Command HQ 4 $200K 8 Days 5 0 16 5 4
Command HQ 5 $500K 12 Days 5 0 20 6 4
Command HQ 6 $500K 12 Days 5 0 20 7 4
Command HQ 7 $500K 12 Days 5 0 20 7 5

Command HQ Screen[edit | edit source]

The Command HQ Screen displays all currently available Missions. Missions are listed on the left side of the screen. By default, the first Mission will be selected; a different Mission may be selected by clicking on it. The Missions on the left are marked with tags for important features of the Mission, such as "Hacking Required", "Mixed Stealth and Combat", "Combat Required", or "Gold Key Loot Area". It will also include the name of the Mission and the time left before it expires.

Some Missions are linked to each other. A linked Mission is Mission which has some direct effect on the parent Mission. The linked Mission might open certain paths through the parent Mission, provide a special Leverage for the parent Mission, unlocking stages in the parent Mission, etc. The parent Mission is listed first, and the linked Mission is marked with a chain icon (a bent arrow) next to the name. The linked Mission is added to the Command HQ Screen automatically along with the parent Mission. Linked Missions should not be confused with multi-stage Missions (between which a team proceeds without returning to the Safehouse) nor with complex Storylines which may generate multiple Missions.

The right side of the screen gives some details about the currently selected Mission: the client Contact, the target Faction, the requirements, and the rewards. Requirements may include specific merc classes or even specific mercs. Rewards will include the fee (if any) from the client Contact, improvements to the status of the Contact, and bonus rewards for meeting certain conditions.

In the upper right corner is a button labeled Mission Planning which opens the Mission Planning Screen for the currently selected Mission.

Mission Planning Screen[edit | edit source]

The Mission Planning Screen offers further details on the Mission. The right side of the screen displays the same information as the Command HQ Screen. The center of the screen displays all stages and alternative paths in the Mission. The left side of the screen displays possible Leverage and special Dialog about the Mission.

The left side lists Leverage available for the Mission. Passive Leverage are automatically in effect for one or more stages of the job. Active Leverage must be activated by a merc during the Mission. Access Leverage provides an alternative route through a stage of the Mission. Leverage will be listed with a name, a general and a specific description, and a cost. The cost might be cash or Favors, paid to a Contact who has influence on the Mission or the Mission site. If no Contact is available to offer a type of Leverage or if the team cannot pay the price of the Leverage, the Leverage will be dimmed out. Sometimes Leverage is provided by cashing in a Token in the Field Ops Center or the Hacking Station. Leverage may also come from Legwork or a linked Mission. Leverage which has been purchased by any means will be listed at the top of the list with the tag Applied.

Sometimes a mission may have special Dialog available. This will be listed above the Leverage on the left side of the Mission Planning Screen and labeled Interaction. The Dialog may offer additional information about the Mission or even a special opportunity related to the Mission.

The center of the Mission Planning Screen displays a view of the planning interface in the center of Command HQ. In multi-stage Missions, all stages and alternative paths through the Mission are portrayed. The arrow keys will shift the view between the stages. Each stage and path is labeled with a name a brief description, including the nature of mission activity (combat, stealth, hacking, or some combination). Special features such as Gold Key Loot Area will also be noted.

In the upper right of the screen is a button labeled Prep X Mercs to Deploy, where X is the maximum number of mercs who can go on the Mission. This opens the Prepare Squad Screen

Prepare Mission Screen[edit | edit source]

The Prepare Mission Screen provides the interface to select the team members and send them on the Mission. Slots are marked for each possible team member. If the slot is currently empty, a merc can be selected for the slot from a drop-down list. If a slot is filled, a picture of the merc is displayed with buttons to change the selected merc or view their profile. The upper left corner of the screen lists any mission requirements, such as required classes, specific required mercs, or required relationships. A warning is displayed if the requirements are not currently met. The upper right corner lists the name of the first stage, any Mission tags, and any applied Leverage.

A button at the top right is labeled Start Mission. If Mission requirements are not met, the button is grayed out. Clicking the button when you have empty slots will ask for confirmation before starting the Mission with fewer mercs than possible. The Mission will then begin.