Cold Storage

From Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Wiki

Cold Storage room

Cold Storage[edit | edit source]

The Cold Storage module provides a system capable of holding quantum data and manufacturing blueprint matrices. It is here that the team stores stolen digital goods and can offer them to interested buyers. Integrated into the Cold Storage module is a Cryopump which provides cooling for the quantum data pool and can be piped to other modules in the safehouse. Upgrading the Cold Storage raises the maximum CryoPump level for other modules and raises the maximum restrictions for NanoFab Blueprint crafting and File Set creation.

Module Name Level Cost Build Turns Power Needed Cryo Needed Pollution Cryo Pump Max File Set Max Size Blueprint Craft Max
Cold Storage 1 $20K 3 Days 1 0 0 2 2 1
Cold Storage 2 $40K 4 Days 2 1 4 3 3 2
Cold Storage 3 $100K 4 Days 2 2 6 3 3 3
Cold Storage 4 $100K 5 Days 3 2 8 4 3 4
Cold Storage 5 $200K 5 Days 3 3 10 4 4 4
Cold Storage 6 $200K 8 Days 4 3 14 4 4 5
Cold Storage 7 $500K 8 Days 4 3 18 4 5 5
Cold Storage 8 $1M 12 Days 5 4 22 5 5 5
Cold Storage 9 $1.50M 12 Days 5 4 26 6 5 5

Cold Storage Menu[edit | edit source]

Cold Storage contains memory banks storing the digital goods collected by the team--Blueprints, Files, and Accounts. Goods are displayed as a grid of icons, showing the name, the power level, the rarity, file size, and the base price of each item. Some also show a glyph identifying the originating Faction. A set of buttons at the top will filter which type of digital good, or all types, are displayed in the grid. An extra button will show File Sets--sets of Files which can be merged to mint new Files.

Selecting a digital good in the grid will open a display on the right with additional metadata about the item. Buttons on the top right can be used to compare it with another item, or to sell it for cash or Favors.

Blueprints[edit | edit source]

Blueprints are templates that can be used to craft Weapons, Weapon Mods, Armor, and consumable Items. Crafting is done in a crafting room. Blueprints can be used for crafting a limited number of times. The value of a Blueprint is based on the value of the crafted item(s) multiplied by the number of times the Blueprint can be used but is always less than what could be gained by selling the crafted items.

Blueprints can be sold to Contacts, often for quite a bit of Money. Selling an Epic Blueprint to a Contact gives them +10% Influence; a Legendary Blueprint gives the +20% Influence.

Files[edit | edit source]

Files are text and multi-media documents of various types. They include dossiers, research reports, invoices, corporate records, Program code, encrypted communication tokens for potential Contacts, and more.

Selecting a File will display additional metadata about the file. Faction Origin lists the Faction which created the File; most Files can be traced to a specific Faction. If the File can be merged with other files, the File Set is listed. And each File has a text description of the contents of the File. Many descriptions give insight into the lore and secrets of the Faction and the New Boston Zone. The description is determined by a combination of the File name, Faction, and rarity.

Most File names include a roman numeral, e.g. Corporate Invoices I, Corporate Invoices II, etc. Each of these is a different type of File, with a different set of descriptions and possibly a different base value. The base value of a File is determined by the File name (or type) and the rarity. A Rare File has twice (2x) the value of a Common File of the same type; an Epic File is three times (3x) the value of a Common; and a Legendary File is four times (4x) the value of a Common File of the same type. Power level has a small impact on the value of a File, around 10% per level. Faction has no impact on the value of a File but may impact who is interested.

Above the grid of Files is a Filter button which can filter for minted Files, Files with a Use button, and whether or not the File is part of a File Set.

File Sets[edit | edit source]

File Sets are groups of Files which can be merged into more valuable Files. A File Set is composed of one each of two to five different File types. Faction, rarity and power level does not impact which Files can be merged, but rarity can affect the value of the resulting File.

In the File Sets filter, the File Sets which have at least one component available in Cold Storage are displayed in a grid. If all necessary components are available, the grid icon is highlighted in yellow. The File Set name is identical to the name of the output File. The grid also shows how many different File types are needed for a set, how many of the needed File types are in Cold Storage, and the base price of the output File not counting rarity. The base price of the output File is between 150% and 200% of the sum of the base prices of the input File types. Merging File Sets is a good way to get items valuable enough to be sold for Favors.

Selecting a File Set will open a display on the right listing which Files will be merged. If one of the required File types is not available, it will be marked Missing. For the File types which are available, the rarity of the selected File will display. If more than one copy of the required File type is available, the rarity will appear brightly illuminated. Clicking on an illuminated File allows the player to select which of the available copies of that type to use in the merge.

A button labeled Mint on the upper right initiates the merge, or mint. The selected Files are deleted from Cold Storage and the newly minted output File is added to Cold Storage. The Faction, power level, and rarity of the output File is determined randomly from the input Files. For example, if two Common Files are merged with an Epic File, the output has 67% chance of being Common and 33% chance of being Epic. Note that this means merging one Epic or Legendary File with Common Files has a chance of minting a File with less value than the components! On average, minting that set would result in greater value but a specific result might be less.

The power level of the Cold Storage room places a limit on the number of Files which can be merged. At power level 1, only File Sets composed of two Files can be minted. Trying to mint a File Set requiring too many Files triggers a message that the Cold Storage needs to be Upgraded.

Some minted Files have additional functionality; such Files have a button on the upper right labeled Use. A program File can be turned into a Program that can be installed into a Cyberdeck or sold. This requires Hacking Station in the Safehouse. A V-Chip can be converted into a new Contact; this requires an Underworld Hub in the Safehouse. Some minted Files can generate a new Mission. Clicking Use when the necessary room is not available will trigger a message that the room needs to be Constructed.

Accounts[edit | edit source]

Accounts are stolen bank account numbers. In addition to the account number, the Account lists which Faction owns the account, and a description of the account type. Accounts have no use other than selling for cash or Favors, and for gaining Influence. Selling an Epic Account to a Contact gives them +10% Influence; a Legendary Account gives the +20% Influence.