Simstream Detox

From Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Wiki

Simstream Detox room

Simstream Detox[edit | edit source]

The Simstream Detox is a room you can build in your Safehouse. It contains state-of-the-art cryogenic chambers that use advanced cryotherapy techniques combined with a SimStream direct neural interface to reduce Stress, lessen mental ailments, and refresh the minds of struggling team members.

Module Name Level Cost Build Turns Power Needed Cryo Needed Pollution Bench Cost Bench Count Bench Type Bench Build Time Bench Duration
Simstream Detox 1 $40K 4 Days 1 2 0 $10K 1 Detox Bench (1 Stress) 2 Days 7 Days
Simstream Detox 2 $100K 6 Days 2 3 0 $25K 2 Detox Bench (1 Stress) 2 Days 7 Days
Simstream Detox 3 $200K 8 Days 2 4 0 $50K 2 Detox Bench (1-2 Stress) 4 Days 6 Days
Simstream Detox 4 $500K 10 Days 3 5 0 $125K 3 Detox Bench (2 Stress) 5 Days 6 Days
Simstream Detox 5 $1M 12 Days 4 5 0 $250K 3 Detox Bench (2 Stress) 7 Days 5 Days
Simstream Detox 6 $1.50M 14 Days 5 5 0 $375K 4 Detox Bench (2 Stress) 7 Days 5 Days

Destressing Tank[edit | edit source]

The Simstream Detox room houses one or more Destressing Tanks. In the Barracks roster, click the Send to Destresser button to assign a merc to a Destressing Tank. The merc will spend seven (7) days in the tank, during which they will be unavailable for Legwork or Missions. The tank simulates a Virtual Reality vacation to relax the user. When they come out of the tank, Stress will be reduced by 10% to 20% to a minimum of 0% Stress.