This is a page for significant events in the history of Cyberknights: Flashpoint. Events that occurred during or after the game's starting year of 2232 AD should not be included here.
Irkmine Transport Hub Heist (2230)[edit | edit source]
In 2230, Cyberknight Yossarian, led his team consisting of Face Shimmer, Agent-EX Lupin, and Gunslinger/Sniper Catalina on a heist to steal a piece of prototype technology carried via hovertruck on behalf of Rook Technologies by a commercial driver. This job was offered via Dublin, a Matsumoto researcher.
Using a refueling permit, the team landed in their own shuttle at the hub while the target transport was landed, presumably for its own refueling or loading of cargo. Shimmer, having done some Legwork to acquire some background information on the staff at Rook Technologies associated with this mysterious technology intended to impersonate a new hire personal assistant to Dr. Kenneth Kinkle, someone in R&D who routinely goes through a lot of personal assistants.
Lupin had modified a small crate with breathing holes and a lock that opened from the inside, marked as cargo for the target shuttle. Being extremely flexible, Lupin lodged himself as the cargo within this box. He was carried into the target shuttle. Shimmer and Yoss attempted to walk out of their shuttle to the destination shuttle, hoping to talk their way out of trouble. With Shimmer meeting some initial success distracting the refueling crew, Yossarian was able to get abord the shuttle unnoticed using a side door. Shimmer eventually approached the shuttle but was stopped by security personnel. She dropped the name of Dr. Kenneth Kinkle, only to discover he was arrested that morning. Shimmer was taken into custody and instructed to get aboard the target transport.
There was significant security detail on the transport. The immediately visible guards on the transport included two heavily armored men at the rear augmented with neural targeting cyberware, and a security captain deeper within the transport. A fourth guard was expected to be near the driver up front.
Yossarian radioed to Catalina, who was settled in a high vantage point in a nearby tower just outside the hub, to not allow the shuttle to depart. Catalina opened fire at the heavy security detail that was mostly clustered at the rear door of the shuttle where the loading was happening. One guard was eliminated in a single shot. The second guard was also eliminated with another sniper round, however it pierced this guard and hit Yossarian in the center of mass. The security captain ducked deeper into the transport for cover. Lupin emerged using a nano-filament whip and sliced the captain through his face, however, in so doing, he also severed his own arm.
At this time the shuttle lifted off with Shimmer, a badly wounded Lupin, and Yossarian on board. Shimmer tended to Lupin while Yossarian headed to the front to deal with the final guard and the driver. The guard immediately surrendered to Yossarian, who took his firearm from him. The driver agreed to take us anywhere we requested so long as we let him live. Yossarian instructed him to drop them off in Fenian territory at the street level at an illegal drop off site. Upon landing Yossarian honored his promise and allowed the pilot to go free along with the surrendered guard. They took the crate containing the mysterious nano-technology they were paid to acquire, Lupin's arm, and the guard's gun with them. The shuttle departed.
Seeing Brave Star arriving in force at the transport hub, Catalina packed up her belongings, hailed a cab and left the tower.