As you might expect in a Cyberpunk game, Hacking is an important component of Cyber Knights: Flashpoint. Hacking can be complicated, but with practice is fairly straightforward.
The first step to hacking is finding a Matrix Host. Hosts usually look like large multi-screen computer terminals, highlighted in blue if it is a Mission Objective or if you have turned highlighting on (toggle H). Any character can interact with most ordinary terminals, but Matrix Hosts allow a Hacker to plug directly into the local Matrix Interface and manipulate the system from within. Only a Hacker can use a Matrix Host without authorization. Move the Hacker near the Matrix Host, then click on the Host to begin hacking.
The Interface portrays the Matrix as a maze of Nodes and Connections. Programs are listed at the bottom of the Interface. Programs must be loaded (by clicking) before they can be used. The Scan Program searches Nodes for enemy programs, called Intrusion Countermeasures or IC. Other Programs are used offensively against IC. Programs should be prepared in advance before they are needed, because some IC will try to deprive you of your offenses. The Hacker connects from one Node to the Next, checking for IC. Various Nodes provide opportunities to steal paydata or to control remote physical devices. Spiking the Central Processing Unit (CPU) or Alarm Processing Unit (APU) can affect the Security AI for the entire level. Beware that the Security AI will react whenever the Quantum Security Level escalates, taking action directly against the intruder or indirectly by raising defenses.
The Interface[edit | edit source]
Matrix Action Points[edit | edit source]
Most activity within the Matrix expends Matrix Action Points (MAP). Normal Action Points (AP) are converted to Matrix Action Points when you jack in, at a ratio of 1 AP -> 10 MAP. It is a bad idea to enter the Matrix with only a few Action Points because you may find yourself unable to load enough defenses on the first turn, sitting in a Node with hostile programs and the Quantum Security Level rising, waiting for the next turn.
The current Node is highlighted in green. If the current Node is selected, a window pops up to the right of the Node displaying the current Matrix Action Points, as well as how many Action Points would be used to Scan the current Node.
Security Level[edit | edit source]
The Matrix Interface portrays the Matrix as a maze of Nodes and Connections. The Nodes come in a variety of types, from firewalls to storage to processing units. Most Nodes contain defensive software, the dreaded Intrusion Countermeasures or IC, pronounced Ice. IC is controlled by the Security AI. The upper right corner of the Interface displays the Quantum Security Level (QSL), each level broken into Quantum Security Tally. Tally accrues as the IC and AI detect suspicious activity, until it triggers a higher Quantum Security Level. A minimum amount of Tally is added even if you do nothing during the Turn, the Hacker's mere presence in the Matrix tickling the security feelers of the AI. The AI reacts to each QSL escalation by selecting among its programmed responses.
Keep a close eye on the Quantum Security Tally. When it gets close to filling a level, you can expect the Security AI to increase the defenses soon. The log below the QSL bar will describe the responses, which could be deploying new IC, reactivating disabled IC, teleporting the Hacker to a new Node, raising the base rate of Tally, directly harming the Hacker or their Cyberdeck, booting the Hacker out of the system, or various other things. Be especially wary if the AI deploys or reactivates IC; even the Nodes you have already cleared may not be safe afterward.
Responses become more and more dangerous as QSL goes up. To the left of the QSL bar are two values. The Host Security Level (from Green to Ultra) shows the initial security response of the Security AI. The Host Response Level (from mild to extreme) describes how quickly the response rises from minimum to maximum. Togther they indicate how difficult the local Matrix is to hack. Fortunately, by the time you start facing high security AI, your Hacker should have better tools to keep Quantum Security Tally down and handle IC.
Health[edit | edit source]
In the upper left corner are some statistics about health. This includes the Hacker's physical health, the health of their Cyberdeck, the connection health, the Matrix Armor, and Matrix Action Points. All of these can be damaged by Intrusion Countermeasures--yes, the Hacker can suffer physical damage from some extreme forms of IC. Matrix Armor will absorb some damage directed at the Cyberdeck and Hacker. A Cyberdeck whose health drops to zero is "bricked"; it can no longer connect to the Matrix. Fortunately, Cyberdeck Health is restored to 100% when the Hacker returns to the Safehouse. Connection Health measures the quality of communication between Hacker and Matrix. Using certain Programs or Talents can put strain on the system, reducing Connection Health. Other Programs and talents can repair Connection Health. If Connection Health drops to zero, the Hacker will be kicked out of the Matrix; they will have to reconnect to continue hacking.
Programs and Talents[edit | edit source]
The bottom of the Matrix Interface is devoted to Programs and Talents. In the bottom left corner are some measures limiting Program deployment. Programs are stored in the Storage Memory. Before a stored Program can be used it must be loaded into Active Memory. Each Program has a size in Memory, and the Cyberdeck has a limited amount of Active Memory for loaded Programs. The Deck I/O defines how quickly things can be loaded into Active Memory. Loading a Program uses I/O, and only a certain amount of I/O can be used per Turn. Unloading a Program from Active Memory does not use I/O; that is simply a matter of deletion. The Program will continue to be available in Storage Memory for loading again. Deck I/O refreshes at the beginning of each Turn. Loaded programs will remain in Active Memory Turn over Turn until their charges are used up or they are unloaded, freeing up Active Memory again. Hovering over a program will display in white how much I/O and Active Memory it would consume if it were loaded.
To the right of these measurements are icons for the Programs themselves. These are the programs available in the Storage Memory of the Cyberdeck. You will have Scan Programs, three types of disabling Programs (Sleaze, Deception, and Disarm), pure Attack Programs, and perhaps other Utility Programs. Each is displayed with a type icon and pips indicating charges. Loaded Programs are marked with bold lines. A Program can be toggled between loaded and unloaded states by clicking. Be very careful not to accidentally unload a Program you intended to use! You would be forced to reload the Program before using it, wasting Deck I/O and Matrix Action Points. If you click on a Program, the interface will pop up a verification box to confirm that you want to unload the program.
To the right of the Programs you will see any Talents the Hacker has that can be used in the Matrix. The Talents will have charges and recharge times just like other Talents.
Hacking[edit | edit source]
General Process[edit | edit source]
The general process for hacking the Matrix is:
- Disable/destroy particularly dangerous Intrusion Countermeasures (see IC Tactics)
- Scan Node for hidden Trap IC (click SPACE)
- May require loading a Scan program if not already loaded (click on the program to load)
- Disable/destroy Intrusion Countermeasures that will impact whatever you want to do next (see IC Tactics)
- May require loading offensive programs if not already loaded (click on the program to load)
- If the node contains paydata, you may choose to download it (click Download button)
- If the node controls remote devices, you may choose to disarm or activate them (click Disarm/Open/etc. button)
- If Node is an APU or CPU, you may choose to Spike it
- Use Attack Programs to destroy (not merely disable) all IC on the Node
- Scan Node to 2/2 level
- Click the Spike button
- Scan again if Scan level is not 2/2 and neighboring Nodes have not yet been identified
- Load offensive programs to deal with known or potential IC in the next Node
- Connect to next node (click to select then SPACE to connect)
- Repeat
This process can be complicated by limitations on Deck I/O, Active Memory, and Matrix Action Points; by the type of IC found; and by the reactions of the Security AI. The initial Node where you enter the Matrix usually does not contain Intrusion Countermeasures, paydata, or remote devices, which simplifies the process for the first steps. More details on exploring the Matrix, Intrusion Countermeasures, and Nodes can be found below.
First Steps[edit | edit source]
The first thing you should do when entering the Matrix is use some Talents and load Programs. It is a good idea to immediately use a Talent to protect your Cyberdeck and a Talent to increase the Deck I/O. Extra Cyberdeck Hit Points are good--any damage sent your way will use the extra Hit Points before the base HP. Extra I/O lets you frontload more Programs before you start exploring the Matrix. Also use any Talents that will last the duration of the hack. It could be a problem if you get kicked out of the Matrix and have to reconnect, but it is usually better to have the benefit of the Talent as early as possible than to worry about losing it to a Hard Disconnect that may not happen. Talents will recharge eventually and can be used again.
Next you should load a Scan program, and some means of dealing with every type of Intrusion Countermeasure. Sleaze, Deception, and Disarm Programs each disable a different type of IC -- Passive IC, Active IC, and Trap IC, respectively. Attack Programs will directly damage and ultimately destroy any type of IC. You could load a Sleaze, a Deception, and a Disarm, or load a couple Attacks, or some combination. Just be sure that you can handle any type of Intrusion Countermeasure, because you will quickly run into all three types of defenses.
Scanning[edit | edit source]
Now you are ready to start exploring. The current Node is highlighted with green. You can look at a different node by clicking on it, and return to the current Node by clicking V. If the current Node is selected, you should see some information about the node, including its scan level: 0/2, 1/2, or 2/2. At 0/2, you cannot see any Intrusion Countermeasures on the Node or even the type of Node. Running a Scan Program will reveal type of Node and any Passive and Active IC present, raising the scan level to 1/2.
A basic scan (1/2) will not tell you whether there is any Trap IC hiding in the Node. Traps are hidden deeper than Active and Passive IC. Run a Scan Program again. If there is a hidden Trap IC, it will be revealed and the scan level will remain at 1/2. If there is no unknown Trap IC, the scan will rise to full scan (2/2) and all the neighboring Nodes will receive a basic scan, raising their scan levels to 1/2. In this way you can tell whether connecting Nodes have Passive or Active IC (and their type but not which specific IC) before you try connecting to them.
Note that if the scan level is 1/2, it is possible for the Security AI to add a new sleeping Trap IC during a security Escalation, which would not be visible until you Scan for it. Nodes with full scan (2/2) may be changed to 1/2, reflecting the fact that you no longer know whether the Node contains hidden Trap IC.
Connecting[edit | edit source]
Moving in the Matrix is done by clicking on a neighboring Node and clicking SPACE. In general, you should never connect to another Node until you are prepared. This means both testing whether the neighbor has Passive or Active IC and being sure that you can deal with any IC on that node. Scan to bring the scan level of the current Node to full scan (2/2) so you can see whether the neighbor has Passive or Active IC. If the scan level is raised to full 2/2 scan but a neighboring Node is still unidentified, it means that Node is a CPU Node. You cannot identify a CPU or any IC on it except by connecting to it and running a Scan within the CPU.
You should also check your Programs and Talents before connecting to the next Node. Make sure you have Scan loaded as well as any Programs needed to deal with the IC there. If you know that the neighbor does not have either Active or Passive IC, you can skip loading Programs to deal with that type of IC, but never connect without a way to deal with unexpected Trap IC.
Intrusion Countermeasures[edit | edit source]
There are three types of Intrusion Countermeasures: Passive, Active, and Trap IC. Each type can be disabled by a different type of Program: Sleaze for Passive, Deception for Active, and Disarm for Trap. All types of IC can be directly damaged and destroyed by Attack Programs.
Passive IC[edit | edit source]
Passive IC will block certain actions. For instance, a Datalock will prevent you from downloading paydata. A Jammer limits your ability to do any action by reducing your Matrix Action Points. Locker prevents remote control of connected physical devices. Overlord is particularly painful--it prevents you from loading a Program. A Sleaze program will disable a Passive IC, or you can directly Attack it. Never connect to a Node that has Passive IC unless you have a means of disabling or destroying Passive IC. Connecting to a Node with Overlord and no way to get rid of it means you will have to leave the Node to load a Program for it. If the Node also has Tarpit or Firewall, which block Connection use, you are in deep trouble and may have to Hard Disconnect out of the Matrix.
Active IC[edit | edit source]
Active IC takes direct action against an intruder every time the intruder does something (loading or running a program, downloading paydata, etc.). All Active IC are potentially dangerous. Tracer will generate Quantum Security Tally. The Scrambler unloads a Program from your Active Memory each time it is triggered. Buster damages your Connection, while Blaster damages your Cyberdeck. Matrix Armor and extra Cyberdeck Hit Points are important defenses against such damage. The Hammer damages both the Cyberdeck and the Hacker. Ice Pick is worse--it damages the Hacker and applies lingering Wounds. The most annoying is Daemon, which creates a new Active IC within the Node, making your problems worse. A Deception Program will disable Active IC, or you can destroy it with an Attack Program.
Trap IC[edit | edit source]
Trap IC is particularly dangerous because you don't know it is there until you Scan for it or accidentally trigger it. Traps may react to a specific action, but some will react to any action. This is a problem because they will react to even a Scan program. A Trap might trigger on downloading paydata, exiting the Node, disconnecting, loading a Program, using a Program, or anything else you might do within the Matrix. The Trap will also have a specific attack which executes when triggered. Diamond increases the Quantum Security Tally. Tunnel relocates paydata to a different Node. Tiger damages the Cyberdeck and Red Tiger damages the Hacker. Blackhole relocates the Hacker to a different Node. Slapfish forces the Hacker into a Hard Disconnect, dropping out of the Matrix. Tripwire re-enables all disabled IC on the Node, undoing all your work. Each Trap will have a single trigger, and any combination of Trap and trigger is possible. But the trigger is often associated with the type of Node. For instance, a Node which usually contains paydata will often have a Trap that triggers on downloading paydata. Trap IC can be disabled by a Disarm Program or destroyed with an Attack Program.
IC Tactics[edit | edit source]
When facing Intrusion Countermeasures, it can be confusing to decide which one to deal with first. Certain IC can cause more problems than others, and it is not always obvious. Here is a potential priority list for handling Intrusion Countermeasures. This may help guide your actions in the Matrix but use your own judgement.
Daemon[edit | edit source]
Daemon is a rare Active IC which summons new Active IC and usually is usually set to trigger on every action. If you do not deal with it immediately, you will quickly be overwhelmed with dangerous countermeasures. Disable or destroy Daemon as soon as you see it. If you can use a Talent to disable IC, use that. Talents will not trigger hidden Traps.
Scrambler[edit | edit source]
Scrambler is an Active IC which will unload a Cyberdeck Program and is usually set to trigger on every action. That includes executing a Scan. This can be extremely dangerous, as even checking whether there are hidden Traps can cause your Disarm or Deception Program to be unloaded, preventing you from disabling the IC. When you connect to a Node and see Scrambler, it is usually best to immediately disable or destroy it before even running Scan. Do not try to Attack the Scrambler unless you are certain of destroying it immediately. Dealing with the Scrambler risks triggering a Trap IC configured to react to using a Program, but that risk is balanced by the risk of losing the ability to disable/destroy the Scrambler. Since reloading the unloaded Program will again set off Scrambler, you can suffer quite a bit from IC before you get it under control.
If you see both Scrambler and Overlord (prevents loading Progams) in a Node, you should immediately disable/destroy the Scrambler; don't even think about doing a Scan or anything else. The chances are too high that you would lose the ability to deal with either Scrambler or Overlord, with bad consequences.
If you can use a Talent to disable IC, that is best. Talents will not trigger hidden Traps.
Ice Pick[edit | edit source]
The next most dangerous Active IC is Ice Pick, which damages the Hacker and applies lingering Wounds. It is probably a good idea to disable or destroy Ice Pick before scanning for Traps; the guaranteed long-term damage from Ice Pick outweighs the merely potential danger from most Trap IC. If you can use a Talent to disable IC, use that. Talents will not trigger hidden Traps.
Known Traps[edit | edit source]
You may already know about a Trap on the Node if, for instance, you accidentally triggered it or are returning to the Node after a previous visit. Evaluate whether it is worth disabling/deleting the Trap before running a Scan. If the Trap would be triggered by running the Scan, it should definitely be dealt with first. Obvious choices would be Blackhole and Slapfish, if they are visible.
Taking a Risk[edit | edit source]
If the security level of the Matrix is low, you may consider disabling/destroying lesser IC such as Blaster or Tracer before you Scan for Traps. This is a risk because you don't know whether using a Program will trigger a Trap. But at low security levels, it may be worth the risk if you are having trouble controlling Cyberdeck Health or Connection Health.
Scan[edit | edit source]
If there is no Daemon, Scrambler, or Ice Pick, the next step should usually be a Scan. Hammer and Blaster might cause some damage, but a hidden Trap like Blackhole or Slapfish could be a serious problem. Run the Scan and re-evaluate.
If you did have Daemon, Scrambler, or Ice Pick and used a Program to disable or destroy it, you have already confirmed that there is no Trap IC which triggers on using a program. You can safely deal with Active IC like Hammer and Blaster before doing Scan. However, do not load a Program until you do a Scan and verify there are no Traps triggering on loading.
The Scan may trigger a Trap configured to react on using a Program or to any action. If the Trap is Blackhole or Slapfish, there are few things you can do to prevent being teleported to a different Node or kicked out of the Matrix. If this happens, you may choose to head back to this Node and deal with the now-visible Trap. See the Advanced Tactics section for other options to prevent the Trap from triggering.
Dangerous Active and Trap IC[edit | edit source]
Once you know what Traps are on the Node, you can decide which IC to disable or destroy next. Slapfish, Blackhole, Hammer, Blaster, Tiger, and Red Tiger are obvious choices. If you have temporary Hit Points, IC that causes damage may be less critical. Tripwire is a concern if there is a risk you will trigger it. Traps that trigger on loading Programs may be a priority if you will need to reload. Traps that trigger on using Programs will also be a priority.
Overlord[edit | edit source]
After dealing with more dangerous Active and Trap IC, you can work on Passive IC. If Overlord is present, that is the first Passive IC to disable or destroy because it would prevent you from reloading Programs. If you need to reload a Program to deal with Active or Trap IC, you may need to do something about Overlord earlier.
Other IC[edit | edit source]
Any remaining IC that will be in the way can be dealt with at the end. Jammer and Tracer should be handled before going on to things like Locker, Datalock, and Tarpit.
Ignoring IC[edit | edit source]
Sometimes you can ignore IC. If a Trap or Passive IC is set to trigger on an action you don't intend to do, don't waste Matrix Action Points and a Talent or Program on it. One example is a Datalock or a Trap triggering on downloading paydata when you do not want to steal paydata. Similarly you can ignore a Trap triggering on disconnecting if you aren't going to disconnect in this Node. If you are about to leave the Node, Diamond (raising Quantum Security Tally) might not be worth dealing with unless it might trigger a QSL escalation.
If you about to disconnect from the Matrix, you should not ignore any IC. If any IC is enabled when you try to disconnect, the disconnect would be a Hard Disconnect which causes Dump Shock, a form of mental and physical damage. Disable or destroy all IC on the current Node before disconnecting.
Exploration[edit | edit source]
The Matrix offers opportunities to do a variety of things. Certain Nodes may have paydata--files and blueprints you can download for use or profit. Some Nodes let you control remote devices or manipulate the security system itself. There are both opportunities and threats within the Matrix.
CPU[edit | edit source]
The CPU is the Central Processing Unit of the local Matrix. There will only be a single CPU in the local Matrix, but there may be several Sub Processing Units (SPUs) to support the CPU. The CPU has several unique features. The CPU cannot be scanned from a neighboring Node, which means that you must connect to the CPU without knowing what IC it may have. Simply assume that you will face serious countermeasures and you won't be wrong. If a full scan (2/2) does not identify a neighboring Node, that Node must be the CPU. You will have to scan from 0/2 up once you connect to the CPU.
Doing a full scan (2/2) on a CPU initiates a system scan across the entire local Matrix. Half of the Nodes you have not identified will receive a basic scan (1/2), revealing their Passive and Active IC. This can be quite useful if you manage to get to the CPU early in your infiltration.
A CPU is never at an endpoint in the maze; it is usually at a junction with several branches. It is usually deep in the local Matrix, far from the Terminal Node that you enter through. If you are seeking the CPU, you can probably narrow the likely locations to just a few possibilities as soon as you enter the Matrix and look around.
Be very careful when entering a CPU. Ending a Turn in a CPU will result in a Hard Disconnect, kicking you out of the Matrix and applying Dump Shock to the Hacker. Before entering a CPU, be certain you have a safe Node to return to. When bringing down IC on the CPU, leave enough Matrix Action Points to exit before the end of the Turn.
One of the most important features of the CPU is that you can Spike it.
Alarm Processing Unit[edit | edit source]
The Alarm Processing Unit (APU) manages the alarm and security system with the local Matrix. An APU is usually at an end point in the Matrix, and often near the CPU. Like the CPU, ending a Turn within an APU will result in a Hard Disconnect, kicking you out of the Matrix and applying Dump Shock to the Hacker. Another similarity to the CPU is that it can be Spiked.
Spiking[edit | edit source]
Spiking is the electronic equivalent of shoving a stun stick into someone's stomach. It will bring a processing unit to its knees. Both Central Processing Units (CPUs) and Alarm Processing Units (APUs) can be spiked.
Spiking a CPU will reduce the current Quantum Security Level by 50% (e.g. QSL 4 becomes QSL 2) and zeroes out the Quantum Security Tally. The greatest advantage this gives is that the Security AI will not perform escalation actions on Quantum Security Levels that have already happened. For instance, if the spike brought the QSL from 4 to 2, the Security AI will not take an escalation action again until QSL 5. Spiking a CPU is often an Objective in a mission and may provide additional benefits.
Spiking an APU will affect the Security AI for the entire zone. The Security Tally in the real world will drop by 10 points. If this drops the Security Level below an escalation that has already happened, the AI will not escalate again until a new Security Level is reached. For example, if the Security Level is 2 and Tally 5, spiking the APU will reduce the Security Level to 1 plus some amount of Tally. The AI will not escalate again until Security Level reaches 3.
In order to Spike a processing unit, all Intrusion Countermeasures must be destroyed on the Node. Disabling is not sufficient, though it may be useful to disable them before destroying them. Use Attack Programs to cause direct damage to the Hit Points of the IC. In addition, the Scan level must be 2/2. When all IC on the Node have been destroyed (including any hidden Trap IC) and Scan level is 2/2, you can click the Spike button.
Incinerator[edit | edit source]
An Incinerator Node is a very hostile Node. Incinerator will force you into a Hard Disconnect if you end a Turn in it. Be very cautious around Incinerator Nodes and never connect to one unless you are certain you can handle the IC and get out before the end of the Turn. Don't waste time eliminating all the IC. Disable or destroy what you have to in order to escape and get out.
Paydata[edit | edit source]
Certain Nodes may have various kinds of paydata. A Data Warehouse may contain files, Manufacturing Data may have blueprints, and Finance Records may have financial accounts. A Sub Processing Unit (SPU) may have any of the three kinds of paydata. These Nodes do not always have paydata; they may be empty when you connect.
There are also more advanced versions of these Nodes: Data Fortress, Financial Fortress, and Manufacturing Vault. These Nodes will usually have more dangerous IC, and also more valuable paydata. Like Incinerator Nodes, ending a Turn in one of these will result in a Hard Disconnect.
When paydata is present in the current node, it will appear on the left side of the Interface, above the Intrusion Countermeasures. Before downloading, you must disable/destroy any Datalock IC which will block download. You should also check for and disable/destroy any Trap IC which triggers on download. Be careful not to trigger a Tunnel IC, which could relocate the paydata to a different Node. When the dangeous IC is disabled/destroyed, you can click the Download button to bring the paydata into your Cyberdeck.
Paydata Nodes are usually found at endpoints. Sub Processing Units will sometimes hold paydata, but picking up paydata will generally mean exploring the endpoints of the Matrix maze. If speed is important and paydata is not a priority, don't bother connecting to these endpoints to see what paydata they have. If you connect to a paydata Node in an endpoint and find there is no paydata, just leave. The chance that you will trigger a Trap by exiting the Node is comparable to the chance you would trigger a Trap by running a Scan. There is little point wasting Matrix Action Points on the Scan.
Once the team returns to the Safehouse, any paydata you downloaded will automatically move into the Cold Storage room of the Safehouse.
Control Units[edit | edit source]
There are two types of control units in the Matrix: Security Control Units (SCUs) and Remote Control Units (RCUs). As suggested by the name, SCUs manage physical security devices on the map. RCUs manage doors, gates, and machinery. A Hacker can disable security devices, open doors, and activate machinery from within the Matrix. When you approach a Matrix Host, you can examine the Host. The HUD will display links from the Matrix Host to each of the devices controlled by that Host.
When you connect to an SCU or RCU Node in the Matrix, the devices linked to that control unit will be listed on the left side of the Interface. Before managing remote devices, you must disable/destroy any Locker IC which will block control. You should also check for and disable/destroy any Trap IC which triggers on using a remote control. Then you can click the Disable button, Open button or other action which is available for the remote devices. Disabling security devices from the Matrix is equivalent to a powerful jamming talent that lasts several turns. Since managing a remote device costs a small amount of Matrix Action Points, you can choose which devices it is worth manipulating.
Security Control Units and Remote Control Units are usually found at endpoints. If you don't need to deactivate security devices or manipulate or remove control device, don't waste Matrix Action Points entering these Nodes.
Talents[edit | edit source]
As you explore the matrix, keep an eye on the recharge times for your hacking Talents. Use Talents when you need to. If you spend enough time in the Matrix, Talents which last until the end of the hack can be used multiple times to give extra buffs. Talents which expire should be refreshed when you can. Remember to use special-purpose Talents when they are useful.
Two starting Talents for the Hacker will be useful in every hack. Hardshell provides extra temporary health for the Cyberdeck, and upgraded can add some Matrix Armor, too. Overclock grants extra IO Speed, but causes automatic damage to Connection Health. Both of these should usually be used at or near the beginning of the hack.
Other talents can repair Connection Health, cause extra damage for Attack programs, or protect against Quantum Security Tally or Escalations as the Security AI reacts to the intrusion. All of these can be useful on a deep hack.
Two other Talents are worth special note. Null Op will cause damage to every IC in a Node, even if the IC was hidden. Zero Interrupt will cause all IC in the Node to become temporarily disabled, or lagged. Neither of these talents will trigger IC, which makes them particularly useful against known or suspected IC such as Blackhole or Slapfish. However, using Talents does cause Quantum Security Tally, and can cause an Escalation.
Upgrading[edit | edit source]
The starting Cyberdeck and Programs are very basic. You can purchase new Decks and new Programs in the Marketplace.
Decks[edit | edit source]
The Marketplace sells a variety of cyberdecks. Powerful decks can be extremely expensive. When purchasing a new deck, the most critical features to check are IO Speed and Max Program Rating. Other important details include Active Memory, Deck Armor, and Action Boost.
IO Speed limits the number of programs you can load into Active Memory each Turn. As a result, IO Speed affects how many actions you can take against IC each Turn and how quickly you can progress through the Matrix. As you use Programs and need to reload them into Active Memory, you will often be more limited by IO Speed than by Matrix Action Points. Hacking a large Matrix Host will be much easier if your cyberdeck has a high IO Speed.
The Max Program Rating limits which Programs you can load. More powerful Programs have a higher Rating and can only be installed in cyberdecks with an equal or greater Max Program Rating. Make sure the deck can handle the Programs you intend to install.
Active Memory limits how many programs can be in a loaded state simultaneously. Deck Armor protects both the cyberdeck and the Hacker from direct damage. Action Boost is a bonus to Matrix Action Points each Turn.
Cyberdecks are sold by Contacts and subject to the usual dynamics of Contact relationships. A greater variety of cyberdecks may become available as the Power Level and Trust of your Contacts go up and as you obtain new Contacts with different sources.
A new cyberdeck comes with basic Programs installed. More powerful decks may come with more powerful default programs. When buying a new deck, it is important to note that you cannot transfer Programs from one deck to another. If you want to load more powerful Programs in your new deck, you will have to obtain fresh Programs as well as the new deck. This greatly increases the cost of upgrading to a new deck.
Programs[edit | edit source]
The basic Programs are Scan, Sleaze, Deception, Disarm, and Attack. Each Program type comes in several power levels. The Program name indicates the relative power of the Program, e.g. Scan I, Scan II, etc. A new Deck will come with basic Programs installed. Advanced Decks may start with higher-level basic Programs.
A more advanced Program is Nuke. Nuke is considered an Area of Effect attack. It will cause damage to all IC on a Node, including on hidden Trap IC. This makes it extremely valuable for clearing a Node without triggering Traps, if the attack is strong enough.
There are also utility Programs. These Programs can be loaded into Active Memory but unlike other Programs, utility Programs have charges and limited duration. Loading a utility Program uses a charge; charges are recharged after a time, similar to Talents. At the end of the duration, the Program will be automatically unloaded. Utility Programs can also be forcibly unloaded by Scrambler IC or by a QSL escalation action, like any other Program. While the utility Program is loaded, the Program will provide some benefit to the Hacker. Data Filter will add Matrix Armor at the cost of some Matrix Action Points. Trace Vector adds damage to all attacks by the Hacker in the Matrix.
At the beginning of the game, only a few Programs are available for purchase. More advanced Programs may become available as your Contacts gain in Power Level and Trust and as you gain new Contacts with different sources.
Both Programs and Decks have ratings. A Program cannot be installed in a Deck with a lower rating than the Program. Scan III (Rating 5) cannot be loaded into a PDP-1900 (Rating 4).
It is important to note that Programs cannot be exported from the Deck. New programs are burnt into the quantum chip and entangled with its q-nodes. Programs can be deleted, but they cannot be exported for use in a different Deck. Outside a Deck, a Program that you purchase, steal, or construct is a kind of quantum seed which generates the Program in the Deck. The Program can only be installed into a single machine, and only once. To install the same Program into two machines, or to create two copies in the same machine, you will need to obtain two copies.
You can install multiple copies of a Program into a Deck. This allows the Hacker to load multiple copies into Active Memory at the same time. Each loaded copy uses I/O to load and space in Active Memory.
Version History[edit | edit source]
- 2023-10-28 guide created
- 2023-10-30 added images
- 2023-11-06 more images, moved IC Tactics, added General Process section, other edits
- 2024-03-10 updated to v.1.4.17; new spike rules, advanced paydata Nodes
- 2024-03-13 added Upgrading section
- 2024-03-21 added Talents section, updated some images
Special thanks for suggestions from:
- davefghi
- Mudball
- CatVader
- Pickles