Weapon Modifications (Mods) are modular upgrades to your weapons. They are purchased independently of weapons, and can be attached, and removed for re-use or resale at the Safehouse.
Starting Mods[edit | edit source]
At the start of the game all of your equipped pistols (not revolvers) start with a standard silencer, greatly reducing their noise level and slightly increasing stealth critical hit damage, but somewhat reducing their damage. The player does not start with any other weapons mods.
Mod Limitations[edit | edit source]
Most ranged weapons can have at most three mods. Shotguns and melee weapons can have at most two mods. You cannot equip two mods of the same category on the same weapon.
Revolvers have additional limitations. The can never have ammo capacity boosting modifications, and they cannot have any form of silencer. (Shotguns appear to lack any silencer option as well.)
Mod Economics[edit | edit source]
Weapon mods are typically much cheaper than entire weapons. They represent an incremental way to spend your credits to get a tactical advantage, especially early on in the game. Because most mods even of different levels are typically not strict upgrades of other mods, it is often better to keep your old mods in your inventory rather than selling them for a fraction of their purchase price. This allows you to reconsider if a lower level mod's unique balance is worthwhile in the situations your team is facing next.
Mod Categories[edit | edit source]
Pistol/SMG Barrels[edit | edit source]
Pistols, Revolvers, and SMGs share a barrel category. These include the ever important silencers which trade some damage, and some long-distance optimal range for noise reduction and stealth critical hit damage.
An early alternative to the pistol silencer is the Xhella Mass Driver which boosts damage and critical damage at the expense of recoil. As the revolver cannot use the silencers within this category, users of revolvers may have to choose between no mod and one that raises recoil.
Pistol Body Mod[edit | edit source]
Pistols and Revolvers share a body mod category. Early examples of these include simple improvements to magazine size or small decreases in recoil. As the revolvers have a revolving cylinder for their ammo, not a magazine, they cannot use the modifications that increase their ammunition and must choose from any other options in this category or forgo this mod.
Pistol/SMG Optic[edit | edit source]
Pistols, Revolvers, and SMGs share an Optic category. Early examples of these alter the optimal range of the weapons and provide other small perks alongside that.
AR/UA Barrel[edit | edit source]
Assault Rifles and Urban Assault Rifles share a barrel category. At the time of this writing (2024-2-14) this only includes a suppressor which behaves mechanically similar to the pistol silencers.
AR/UA/SMG Body Mod[edit | edit source]
Assault Rifles, Urban Assault Rifles, and SMGs share a body mod category. These mods focus primarily on adjusting magazine capacity and recoil.
AR/UA/E-Rifle Optic[edit | edit source]
Assault Rifles, Urban Assault Rifles, and E-Rifles share an optic category. Similarly to the Pistol/SMG Optics, these tend to adjust the optimal range for their associated weapons.
Sniper Barrel[edit | edit source]
Sniper Rifles have this category of barrels all to themselves. They have suppressor options that can decrease their very loud noise at a steep damage penalty as well as options to increase their range and damage at the cost of additional recoil.
Sniper Body Mod[edit | edit source]
Sniper Rifles have this category of body mods to themselves. These include options to reduce reloading AP or slightly improving critical hit damage.
Sniper Scope[edit | edit source]
Sniper Rifles have this category of scopes to themselves. These focus on improvements to accuracy and possibly critical hit damage.
Blade IO-Batt[edit | edit source]
Swords, E-Cutters, and Stunsticks share this category of IO Batteries. This category grants options to increase the very limited number of IO Battery charges or increase the base damage and accuracy of melee weapons. (Remember that melee weapons cannot miss, but they can deal Glancing Hits if they fail an accuracy roll.)
Blade Grip[edit | edit source]
Swords, E-Cutters, and Stunsticks share this category of grips. This category offers minor bonuses to accuracy, armor shredding, or critical bonus damage. One notable mention about this category is that none of the early examples of mods within it offer any drawbacks, making them strictly better than no modifications.
Shotgun Barrel[edit | edit source]
Shotgun barrels are restricted to just Shotguns. These offer powerful bonuses such as additional armor shredding or a chunk of added Pure Damage often in return for recoil. This category also includes at least one option to boost the otherwise extremely limited shotgun's range.
Shotgun/E-Rifle Body Mod[edit | edit source]
Shotguns and E-Rifles share this category of body mods. These tend to offer adjustments to Firing Arcs and optimum range.
E-Rifle/Railgun IO-Batt[edit | edit source]
E-Rifles and Railguns share this category of IO Batteries. These offer powerful upsides in the form of increased armor shredding or additional ammo (important on limited ammunition weapons!) but all come with penalties to be carefully weighed alongside them. These appear to be the only weapon mods that railguns can use.